Computer Science AP Java Video Course -   [index]     [Page 2]     [Page 3]     [Page 4]     [Page 5]  

***UPDATE - I had to move the videos for this course to a new YouTube channel.
***Please access the videos from this new channel from now on
***and share, subscribe, and watch as much as you can with others!
***I will be deleting the old channel very shortly!

99 Loose Ends

So here are the loose end topics that we are supposed to cover in this course that we haven't officially covered in the other sections. This doesn't mean that they aren't important - it just means that they didn't necessary fit into the other sections or that I didn't want to take time back then to cover them (so we could keep moving forward).

Static Fields and Static Methods
Three videos have been added to the '10 CLASSES' playlist at youtube. These videos introduce you to the concept of static fields and methods and the conditions that must be met in order to be declared as a static method. A couple examples of static fields and methods being used are demonstrated.

Number Limits
Short video added to the 99 LOOSE ENDS playlist.
All the numerical variable types have maximum and minimum values that can be stored. This video will demonstrate how you can find out those limits so you don't get errors in your programs.

Roundoff Errors
Short video added to the 99 LOOSE ENDS playlist. Project from the video is in the projects folder.
Since numbers are represented as binary in memory, sometimes you encounter a number that isn't stored as the exact value that you want to store. See a quick example of this and how easily this occurs - a caution to your programs that are number sensitive!

Exceptions and Assertions
Short video added to the 99 LOOSE ENDS playlist. Project from the video is in the projects folder.

Pre and Post Conditions
Short video added to the 99 LOOSE ENDS playlist.

Foreach loop


Short Circuit Evaluation

DeMorgans Law

Default Values in Lists and Arrays

Removing Instances while Iterating Lists